Bank would like to offer special interest rate to keep their customers. As you know the longer period of fixed deposit the better rate you get. Recently I got a sms from my mobile service provider which offer me to buy extra airtime. The offer is to pay RM7 for RM10 airtime. I was wondering where is this hoax or spam came from? But it's a real option. The tricky part is I would not get RM10 airtime in one shot but by 5 installments (RM2 each time) over 5 weeks. My prepaid service will expire in 3 weeks time. Meaning I will only get 3 installements (RM6 total) then I have to reload to enjoy the final two installments. I have use this mobile number for years and definately will continue for next month. I accept the offer wihout questioning. Beside airtime, there is sms to be purchased too.Telco in Malaysia is fighthing hard to lower the call rate. At the end all consumer earn some bonus.
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